Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dumb Wasted

No, not me. I am not talking about myself here. I am talking about the other people who drink and become wasted and throw themselves onto other people without even knowing it. Either that, or you've become a ditz. Either that, or both. Either that, or you've just dumbed yourself down in front of everyone no matter who you are, or where you're from. Cut the bullshit, and drink responsibly. Drink maturely. If that's even a word.

It's 4:52 in the morning and I just came home from a little Halloween-like party. I didn't know anyone except for the people I drove with. We drank. We talked. We laughed. Then, I sat back and let myself be myself. As I sobered up (I wasn't even drunk to begin with), I looked around me and my friends and realized how much stupidity circulates through the air, or rather, our drinks. There was a cute guy (the only one) there and two of my friends had drunk apparently more than they could handle. One friend was just hopping all over the place, and all over the guy -eventually she asked for his number, while the other was so close to him I bet my money she was capable of telling me how many moles were on his face. They were all over him at the same time too. Literally. So them hovering over (insert cute guy's name here) made this guy look like a celebrity, pretty much.

Now, of course, I'll admit I am a bit "buzzed" at the moment, but I know the difference between stupid and stupid. Granted, this night was fun only because I was able to observe my friends in their not-so-natural habitat while making some new friends. I just find it a bit odd the way people act. It's somewhat humiliating as well. I would rather be the wallflower of the party than make a fool out of myself in front of people I just met. My friends looked like they were desperate high schoolers trying to fit in with the big kids. We're in college. How embarrassing. Seeing how clumsily they basically threw themselves at this guy made me want to stay sober enough to control my own mind, and body. I have a headache. I usually sleep at around 11. It's officially 5 in the morning. Good morning!

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