Friday, March 11, 2011

Better Together

Before I talk about what I recently wanted to talk about, I just wanted to state that the contest I kept ranting about should have been over and the winners announced. Sadly, the site shut down for some crippling reason. Rest assured, it's not a scam. I suppose there were a few legal conflicts that occurred, but I so badly want my damn prizes. Now let's talk about the good stuff:

To make the long story a bit short, it's lovely to be loved. It's nice. Very nice. I'll admit I've been such a pain in the ass when it comes to some good ol' fashioned lovin'. I receive, but I never give. Okay, that sounds completely wrong. What I'm trying to say is that I don't usually give in to men who want anything to do with me romantically. Some may be persistent, but that usually doesn't stop me in my tracks. However, there was something different about who I'm linked to at the moment. Sure, he's also a pain in the ass (not in the heartless way I am), but it's funny how certain things have been working out between us. When I say he's persistent, I really mean it. He told me himself when I was on the edge of quitting that I can quit, but that won't stop him. Me being dead probably wouldn't stop him either...somehow. 

Like my eating habits, I am fairly picky with my men. My standards are higher than you can imagine and I have this "wall" that's been built tough over the years and few months due to major complications that I do not wish to speak of. Getting back to my point, this manbearpig taught me to see past these "perfections" I look for in a person. In a way, it's a good thing to have such high standards in order to avoid heartache, but life's bitches can't be avoided all the time. Either way, it's not like I'll be marrying the guy. How would I even know what my true standards are until I come across them? It won't hurt to find out and explore. It's better to fall and get up a stronger person, I believe. 

Anyway, I'm halfway happy with my situation. There are a few malfunctioning parts to this relationship I'm in, but I need to learn to get past them if it's not important. So...we'll see what happens from here. Until now, that palm reader who told me I'd have two kids and never get married: get a straw, put it in a juice box, and suck it.