Sunday, October 17, 2010

Down the hole again I go

I am officially sick and tired of people telling me that someone is, no matter who, is better than me. Under certain conditions, I know there are better people out there that exceed my own knowledge, but that does not mean I need to be highly aware of it. Do these people not have any common sense whatsoever to know that it isn't exactly the nicest thing to tell someone that, yeah, you're good, but a certain someone is better than you. It sucks even more than the person who is apparently better than you standing to your right. Awesome. Just awesome. Way to bring down my already low self-esteem, dude. After I was able to find myself out of the shit hole, someone just had to pound me back into it.

I believe I may be forever stuck in it unless I actually take my sorry ass to another area where I can make a new person out of myself. It would be so nice to just start fresh and meet new people who don't know you, vice versa. I'm tired of being stuck with the same people who tell me the same negative things over and over again and don't get the hint that it brings me down. If it's a joke, then find a good thick needle and some sewing thread and sew your mouth shut until you realize what emotions and feelings are and how they can be affected by such harsh words.

Then, don't make it worse by realizing you could have said something nicer and correct yourself. Honey, you're already in trouble. You dug your hole way to deep and there is no way anyone can hear you, let alone see you. So don't be digging a bigger hole by attempting to make the situation better by saying, "Wait...but you're really good at it too! Maybe even better!" Really? I mean, come on. Really. You are embarrassing both me and yourself, sweetheart. Do me and everyone else you've hurt a favor and shut up. Or better yet, try  a new technique that this world has been doing for thousands of years...THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK OR DON'T SPEAK AT ALL. It's as simple as that. Unless you really don't have common sense. You know, something you've been telling me I DON'T have. Hi, it looks like I do have common sense since I'm correcting your own stupidity and not mine. What is wrong with you? Seriously. Are you that dumb that you don't know what hurts people and what doesn't? Well, but then again there are people who don't know the difference between right and wrong these days.

I want to know...are you the only one in this world who does this? Or are there people who just can't think anymore? I wouldn't be surprised if you are the only one though. I mean, normal people don't laugh hysterically after saying something harsh. Guess what? You're the only one laughing at your "joke". Actually, I don't think you think it's a joke. I think you were being serious the time you told me my brother was better than me on so many levels. We had the exact same thing wrong and we took the exact same time looking at the memory exam. Cool? Cool.

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