Monday, November 28, 2011

Depression Hurts

...and that's why Ambilify can help when depression hits hard. It was hard to admit that I was depressed. It was even harder to hear my doctor diagnose me professionally with moderate depression. I kind of saw it coming anyway. For about a year, this whole emotionless thing has been going on and off. If anything, the only emotion I felt was sadness. I feel sick all the time. Like nauseous. I can hardly eat and I weigh 96 pounds at a height of 5'3. My doctor said it wasn't too bad, but, honestly, this skinny frame is disgusting.

I just don't feel the same, but I don't know what it is. It could be all of my suppressed feelings from childhood coming back at me all at once. Every morning I wake up, but at the same time I don't. It's like I'm not here emotionally and almost physically. I try so hard to find myself in the location I am in, but I just can't feel myself. Yeah, yeah it sounds very dramatic. I think that's the biggest problem about this depression. I want to know if that's even a symptom or if I'm just going nuts. I have never talked to anyone who was truly depressed, so how would I know what's normal and what's not. I wish I could talk to someone who has gone through it, faced it, and punched it in the throat.