Thursday, October 14, 2010

"Nobody said it was easy"

Agreed. I can't come up with a reason to why I have been feeling so down lately. Is it the ever-changing weather? Is it because my motivation has lowered since this semester of college began? Is it just me? I am to the point where even my tear ducts are telling me to shut up. I do not understand why my life has decided to take a wrong turn and why I my moods are just like the weather I am trying to endure. Worry not, this is far from a suicide note. Like I stated in my earlier post, there are people around me who constantly get what they want so easily. Today, in my sociology class, we discussed the issue on social classes. My professor stated that some people just don't have the capability to get to what is considered the "american dream", and he's right. Don't get me wrong, they are probably the hardest workers out there, but with how things are today, achieving the american dream is far from reach. As for people who are already in the top five percentile, all they have to worry about is just accidentally stepping on people's toes while on their way to the vault their daddy gave them, complete with their names engraved with a diamond border and a giant 14 ft. tall German Shepard to guard this precious vault. Maybe that didn't make point is, I found this subject to be surprisingly sensitive to me. I have always been a frugal son of a mother, and spending has always been tight in my family, but I never realized that actually talking about it would be so difficult. Ok, I don't even know if I'm getting off topic, and this is my post. That's a bad sign. So back to why you should pity me...I can't get anywhere!

"If you want something that bad, then you will find a way to get it."
"Motivation is key. Find it, and unlock that door."
"It's either you sit there on your ass whining about your life, or you go out and book 'em."
"Only you have the power to decide what you want for yourself."

Ok, people. I get it. I've argued about my own life with myself. I have come to a conclusion. I do give a damn. However, I do not have the strength to do anything about it. I don't mean to be a "Debbie Downer", but I'm just not feeling it both physically and mentally. Physically, I feel like my heart is broken and my legs refuse to walk or move anywhere. Mentally, well, you know. Hopefully, if there is anyone sane enough to read this, I don't bring anyone's hopes down. It might be my birth control pills. I doubt it, but for the sake of my audience, its is, in fact, my birth control pills. Case closed.

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