Friday, October 5, 2012

Things That Annoy Me

1. The smell of bananas

Can anyone tell me why those obnoxiously yellow fruits smell like trash? Literally, it smells like what trash smells like to me.

2. People burping in my face

Do not, and I repeat, DO NOT do this to me. I will decapitate you and put your head on a stick for all to witness the dangers of farting with your mouth and blowing it onto my face.

3. People who do not respond to a long text that I just sent 

Why do you do this to me? If it is obvious my text is in need of an answer, THEN ANSWER. Unless you do not have unlimited texting or you just didn't get my text, then I don't see what the harm is in replying. Makes me feel like an idiot. Sorry for trying to be your friend.

4. People who do respond to a long text that I sent...with a one word reply


5. Facebook pokes

What is the point? You poke me and I poke you back. Do I win an award or something for longest pokes? Does this mean I'll be getting laid soon?

6. Parents who don't keep their screaming children to themselves

If you see your child running around breaking everything and shitting their pants in the middle of a restaurant, why don't you take the time to hire a babysitter or use a condom next time?

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